How to use creativity for your everyday life and how to increase your creativity

For whom is creativity important?

Creativity is not only important for artists, musicians, poets or authors. Creativity is also important for successfully mastering challenges in everyday life. Creative people solve problems successfully because they have enough “material” in their brain to come up with different solutions. That is why it is advantageous to train creativity. Because the more creative you are, the more solution-oriented you are.

When does creativity arise?

Contrary to many statements that there are more creative people, or people who are not creative. Creativity arises in the relaxation phase.

Many people tend to think that creativity is something you either have or you don’t have. Freely after the slogan, the one / the one is more creative, than the other / the other. Many also think that people with a pronounced right brain are more creative. While logical thinkers with the pronounced left brain are not creative. This is not quite true. Sure, there are people who have more pronounced strands [ synapses ] on the left or right side. Creativity, however, arises in a completely different way, namely when we least expect it. The best conversations and ideas between employees in a company occur during breaks. The simple reason is that they are relaxed then.

Or how many times have you wanted to solve a problem and you’ve been thinking all day about how to solve it? At the very moment when you put the issue aside and did something completely different, the scales fell from your eyes. Exactly, that was again, because then the brain could relax.

From that point on, the subconscious takes over and the conscious fades into the background. Then all the processed stuff comes out and brings the solution on a platter. The subconscious mind works very differently than our conscious mind. Site analyst Jeff Vetes suggests we take a break and read the new information, read more on

Creativity thus develops in three steps:

  1. Here the intensive examination of a problem takes place.
  2. In the 2nd phase one lets the whole thing rest and no longer consciously cares about the problem.

Now comes the “Aha – experience”, now comes new ideas and new ways of thinking.

This process shows how important the relaxation phase is. This can also be transferred to work. Who works without breaks, is in reality no longer able to perform or in other words no longer able to release creativity.

Which breaks could you take to promote creativity?

Often it is exactly the small things in life that really bring us forward. Breaks to gain creativity would be, for example, taking a walk, listening to music, generally moving in nature, taking a shower or even doing the dishes. Such breaks relax our brain immensely and can help us for solving the problem, or for our creativity.

Breaks need courage at the beginning, but increase creativity

Many people do not dare to take breaks, because it looks to the outside as if they are doing nothing. In reality, however, the subconscious is now working hard. So it takes courage to take breaks in the beginning. However, the more you see that it helps you to be more successful in your performance and more creative, the more you will automatically schedule breaks.

Especially for challenging work where you are waiting for a bright idea, you should take a break every 90 minutes. 90 minutes is the maximum for the ability to concentrate.

Moreover, the duration of the break should be adjusted to the previous intensity of the task. If you are dealing with a very difficult or stressful task, the rest period should be longer.

Creativity is an important aspect of life that helps people develop and open new horizons. Despite this, many people face the problem of decreased creativity. In this article, we will look at some ways that can help boost creativity.

  1. Take regular rest. You need to set aside enough time to rest and recuperate. This will help you avoid exhaustion and preserve energy for creative efforts.
  1. Learn new things. Learning new skills and new information can stimulate creativity. This will help broaden your horizons and increase your potential.
  1. Use different methods. Try using different methods to solve problems and create new ideas. This will help expand your thinking and find new approaches to creative tasks.
  1. Keep notes. Keep a record of your ideas and dreams so that they are not forgotten over time. This will help you return to them in the future and develop them.
  1. Use ways to stimulate creativity. Music, art, nature, and other mediums can help stimulate your creativity. Try to find a medium that really works for you.